We're Halfway to our goal! You are doing it TCA! We are halfway to our goal to support Athletics & Extracurricular Activities for '23-'24 School Year!
Session I Lunch Survey - We want to hear from you! Session I Lunch offering at TCA was a BIG success! Prior to releasing Session II order forms, we would like to know what we can do to better serve our students and families. Please take the 5- question survey linked below to provide your feedback.
First Look Friday - THIS FRIDAY! First Look Friday is an open house event, sometimes called back-to-school night, and is a wonderful opportunity for you to tour your child(ren)'s classrooms with your student, and meet our fabulous staff. Stop by any time between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. We are so excited to see everyone there!
Four. Years. In. A. Row! Each year, the Cape Cod’s Best Community’s Choice Awards recognizes more than 420 businesses and organizations, and, for the 4th year in a row, Trinity Christian Academy has been named The Best Private School on Cape Cod!