Eighth Grade Supply List
School Year: 2024-2025
Grades: 8th Grade
Classes: All Eighth Grade Teachers
Students are EXPECTED and REQUIRED to have pencils and/or pens, erasers, and paper for every class, so please make sure they have a constant supply throughout the year.
61.5" 3-Ring Binder
1Bible - New International (NIV)provided for all NEW students; or for purchase for returning students
1Box(es) of Paper Mate® #2 Woodcase Pencils
1Casio fx-300 ES Plus 2 Calculatorno other calculators for constancy
1Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s)
1Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1Fiskars Scissors
3Mead® Five Star® Composition Notebook, Wide Ruled, w/ FREE Study App
2Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders, Plastic, Bluedurable, 2-pocket
2Mead® Five Star® Spiral Notebook, Wide Ruled, w/ FREE Study App
2Package(s) of Mead® Five Star® Reinforced Filler Paper, College Ruled, 3 Hole Punched, w/ FREE Study App
1Sharpie® Highlighters
1Zipper Pencil/Supply Pouch for 3-Ring Binder(pencil pouch_
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